One Day in Life: A Concert Project by Daniel Libeskind

I recently found out about a new collaboration, initiated by the Alte Oper Frankfurt and designed by Daniel Libeskind! It locates concerts in very specific spaces throughout Frankfurt, to leave behind the concert rituals and encourage people to make their way through an entire day of life, lived through music and throughout the city. Libeskind describes it as uniting the spaces of architecture with the time of music. The performances occur in often overlooked spaces, from a Fire and Rescue Training Center to a public bath to a hospital’s operating theater, but also in grand public spaces like a natural history museum, the national library, and the opera house.

The project features several of the composers in my repertoire associated with my Mischlinge Exposé: Schoenberg, Paul Ben-Haim, Schubert, and Beethoven. What a fascinating concept for a set of performances!




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