The Hinge Generation

An amazing read about how the Holocaust memory will be passed on through the coming generations, by Carol Elias:

From the article:

“The guardianship of the Holocaust is being passed on to us. The second generation is the hinge generation in which received, transferred knowledge of events is transmuted; into history, or into myth.” (Hoffman 2004, xv)

“The impetus for this journey began as an answer or explanation as to why I almost never say the words, ‘I love you’. During my grandparents’ war-torn generation the ability to express affection almost disappeared. It was as if expressing words of love after the horrors they had faced would somehow demean the enormity of the tragedy. If you could love again, then how bad could it have really been?”

“It is my hope to begin this process as an intergenerational and international discussion. Many of us alive today have been affected by the Holocaust in some way; Jewish or not, survivors and their families or not, and yet we continue to relate to the Holocaust as if it had begun only recently.”




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