Notes on Children of Job

I recently finished Alan L. Berger’s book, Children of Job, in which I found new inspiration for the Mischlinge Exposé, and found myself hoping for a tikkun (fixing/rectification) for the world.

“The second generation is the most meaningful aspect of our work. Their role in a way is even more difficult than ours. They are responsible for a world they didn’t create. They who did not go through the experience most transmit it.” —Elie Wiesel (Introduction)

Alan L. Berger: Children of Job

“The second generation witnesses also seek to achieve tikkun of the self whereby they bear witness in a manner that is healing.”

“The only post – Holocaust theology that matters is one that recognizes the importance of compassion.”

“For second – generation witnesses, it is the desire to know their parents lives better that serves as a vehicle for understanding the impact of the holocaust on their own existence.”

“The paradox here is that the second generation wants to belong to the Jewish people, where is the survivor rages at his suffering caused by belonging.”

“The second – generation witness has a moral obligation to attest with precision to the facts of the Holocaust and to the event’s continuing impact. This is one reason that members of the second-generation immerse themselves in books about the Shoah and why they do not substitute their imagination for their parents’ memory.”

“By writing the story of their parents’ survival and it’s impact on their own lives, these second – generation witnesses hope to share the message of common human vulnerability, thereby helping to prevent Holocaust modes of thought from operating in the world.”




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