Reflecting on “Second Generation Voices”

A few standout quotes from the latest addition to the Mischlinge Exposé Bibliography: “Second Generation Voices: Reflections by Children of Holocaust Survivors & Perpetrators”, edited by Alan Berger & Naomi Berger:

“The Holocaust cannot be purged, erased, figured out, dealt with. It is with me every day, one way or the other. I rarely pass a homeless person on the street without stopping to give something, and when I don’t I feel enormously guilty. I cannot bear to be identified as the oppressor in anyway at all…” —Julie Salamon

“While being children of survivors does not give us any privileges, it does impose a fa- reaching responsibility. We were given life and placed on earth with a solemn obligation… Our task is to remind the world of the Holocaust to prevent it’s recurrence. And to understand our parents and their experiences, we must first at least attempt to penetrate the darkness.” —Menachem Rosensaft

“We have learned from our parents’ experiences that indifference to the suffering of others is in itself a crime. Because of who we are, we constitute a moral force whose voice can have an impact on humankind. We must, both individually and collectively, raise this voice on behalf of all, Jews and non-Jews alike, who are subjected to discrimination and oppression, or who are threatened by annihilation, anywhere in the world. And we may never be passive, or allow others to be passive, in the face of oppression, for we know only too well that the ultimate consequence of apathy and silence was embodied forever in the flames of Auschwitz and the mass graves of Bergen-Belsen.”  —Menachem Rosensaft

“Where do I find my identities? In my professional or private sphere, or in one in which profession or private life form a unity? In a national German character? In a German Europeanism? In cosmopolitanism? In Christianity? In which religion or ethics – or can one be only a humanist atheist after the Holocaust? In which society, monocultural or multicultural? After the Holocaust I refuse to answer the question in which race I could find my identity, because in German history this question led to the Holocaust and is still part of an anachronistic discussion about a future mono or multicultural society that has long become multicultural.” —Gottfried H. Wagner, Great-grandson of Richard Wagner




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