They Fought Back – Anna Bat-Chai Wrobel

I had the pleasure of attending the Puffin Cultural Forum’s opening event for the new exhibit They Fought Back. The installation will be on view April 13th to May 4th, so there is still plenty of time to go! Lawrence Bush, editor of Jewish Currents magazine, and Anna Wrobel, historian and daughter of Holocaust survivors, spoke on the reality of Jewish resistance to the Holocaust.

I wanted to share some of Ms. Wrobel’s poetry published in Lilith:

She writes of her mother, and of resistance, the topic of the presentation I heard. 

From “Equipment”:

What in her life equipped her
for smuggling the few guns
a farmer may be bought for, 
hoping S.S. or Home Guard hadn’t gotten to him first?

What in her life equipped her for
executing traitors, for burning down
squealers and Jew murderers?

– See more at:




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